  1. Framework Integration
  2. Svelte

Swapy is a client-side library, meaning you need to make sure the DOM is loaded and the component is mounted before creating a new Swapy instance.

In Svelte, you can use onMount for that. And don’t forget to destroy the Swapy instance on component destroy, using onDestroy.

If your use case involves adding or removing slots and items, please check out the Svelte (Dynamic) guide.

Svelte Example

  import { createSwapy } from 'swapy'
  import { onDestroy, onMount } from 'svelte'

  let container
  let swapy = null

  onMount(() => {
    // If container element is loaded
    if (container) {
      swapy = createSwapy(container)

      // Your event listeners
      swapy.onSwap(event => {
        console.log('swap', event)

  onDestroy(() => {
    // Destroy the swapy instance on component destroy

<div bind:this={container}>

  <div data-swapy-slot="a">
    <div data-swapy-item="a">

  <div data-swapy-slot="b">
    <div data-swapy-item="b">
